We are based in the City of London and have excellent contacts with major publishing houses and media organisations in the UK and internationally.
Our film/TV/media rights are handled by Andrew Mills at Revolution Talent.
For foreign rights enquiries, please contact rights@dkwlitagency.co.uk.
We work with the following co-agents for our international translation rights:
- Marotte et Compagnie Agence Littéraire (French)
- Sebes & Bisseling Literary Agency (Dutch, Scandinavian and Nordic languages)
- The Fritz Agency (German)
- Berla & Griffini Rights Agency (Italian)
- The Foreign Office (Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan)
- Macadamia Literary Agency (Polish)
- Andrew Nurnberg Associates Budapest (Hungarian and Croatian)
- Eastern Europe and Asian Rights Agency (Baltic states, Ukraine)
- The Van Lear Agency (Russia)
- AnatoliaLit Agency (Turkish)
- The Grayhawk Agency (Complex and Simple Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian)
- Japan Uni Agency (Japanese)
- Prava i Prevodi (Albanian, Czech, Georgian, Greek, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovene)
- Regal Hoffman & Associates (USA, non-exclusive)
- Stimola Literary Studio (USA, non-exclusive)