Welcome to Sandra Lawrence

Ella is so excited to announce that she is now representing Sandra Lawrence! Sandra is a journalist specialising in heritage, travel and garden writing, and the author of twelve non-fiction books for both adults and children, including Anthology of Amazing Women (20-Watt, 2018) which made the Guardian’s Top Children’s Non Fiction list, Atlas of Monsters (Templar, 2018) and Atlas of Heroes (Templar 2019) both of which were shortlisted for the SLA Information Book of the Year. Sandra lives in Greenwich, where she has an allotment that looks out over Canary Wharf and keeps her self-sufficient in saffron, garlic, horse-tail and bindweed. She’s crazy about film noir, collects vintage clothing and loves swing dance, difficult sweets, Arthurian legend and femmes fatales, though not necessarily in that order.

Sandra is working on a fascinating biography of one of Edwardian Britain’s most famous – but now largely forgotten – pioneering female gardeners, Ellen Ann Willmott, in which she will challenge previous perceptions of this often misunderstood figure, shedding new light on Ellen’s life and work to tell the true story that lies behind the myth.

Welcome to DKW, Sandra!