Ice Cream for Breakfast

Laura Jane Williams
Hodder & Stoughton
Publication date
20 April 2017
Other publishers
Astral Cultural (Brazilian Portugese), China South Booky (Chinese Simplified), Grada (Czech), Marabout (French), Foksal (Polish), Humanitas (Romanian), Evro Book (Serbian), Running Press (US)

Ice Cream for Breakfast

Child-Like Solutions to Bullsh*t Adult Problems

Hey you, did you know? Silliness is your right. It’s not a privilege. Silliness isn’t for silly people. You, you fully-functioning, slightly-overworked and incredibly serious grown-up – you deserve to be silly, even when you’re doing such a good job of “adulting”. Sod it: especially when you’re doing such a good job at “adulting”.

(and you really are, you know. You’re doing an ace job at all of it. You’re doing so much better than you think. God you’re a marvel. And your hair is a+, too.)

Silliness. Yes. There’s that. There’s also a few other things you deserve. You deserve to be mischievous and curious, care-free and light-hearted. This business of living? It’s not as solemn as they’d have you believe. Life can actually be quite fun, if only we take a cue from the younger folk of the world. Kids, man: they know what’s up.

Ice Cream for Breakfast: Child-Like Solutions to Bullsh*t Adult Problems is the guide every under-giggling grown-up needs to remind themselves of the freedom and delight that comes not with being child-ish, but child-like. You can own your own home and want to build a blanket fort on a bad day. Hell! On a good day, too. You can crave praise. Need to ask for help. Have something soft snuggled against your face because you’re sad. You can pay your bills on time and still exclaim out loud when something is really fucking cool, run a business and wear cat-covered thermals under your suit. You can play, just because.

Full of spirit and un-self-conscious enthusiasm, Ice Cream for Breakfast is the permission slip all grumpy-pants need to start finding the Willy Wonka-ish side to who they are and locate their inner-child nestled deep within, so that we might all relax enough to laugh harder, wonder more, and marvel at magic on the daily.

Ice Cream For Breakfast is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time & I would recommend it to anyone is looking for a new outlook on life. One that will inspire you & encourage you to be nothing but your authentic self. “

— Bonnie Ellen Blog

“I loved this book. I know I’ll be re-reading this again when I feel like I just need a bit of assurance and it’s a great book for anyone who’s looking for something in the personal development genre that isn’t too heavy!”

— No Space for Milk Blog

”Rediscover and embrace your inner silliness and watch your busy, stress-filled actual life become, well, simpler.”

— Red Magazine

“Read this for life lessons you know but have neglected.”

— Stylist

Ice-cream for Breakfast is totally accessible, very funny and hugely inspiring. What better way to spend a day at the beach?”

— Mumsnet